Bishop Julian Mark Dobbs
Episcopal Visitor to the Missionary Order of St. Augustine
Bishop Julian is the Diocesan Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the Living Word (ADLW), part of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), and has oversight of the clergy and congregations in the diocese. ADLW is a non-geographical diocese that includes congregations throughout the United States, as well as in Haiti and Ghana. In addition to the Missionary Order of St. Augustine in Japan, ADLW also has two other religious orders, including the first Anglican religious Order in the United States, founded in 1865.
Bishop Julian and his wife, Brenda, have made their home in Northern Virginia since 2006. Prior to that, after being ordained in the Anglican Church in New Zealand in 1991, he planted three congregations and served as the rector of the fastest growing Anglican church in the province. He was elected and consecrated as bishop by the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) in 2011 and is now a member of the College of Bishops of ACNA.
Bishop Julian is passionate about the saving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is committed to empowering congregations, supporting clergy, transforming injustice, inspiring local and global mission, and planting churches.