What is the Missionary Order of St. Augustine?
The Missionary Order of St. Augustine (OMSA) is new orthodox Anglican outreach in Tokyo
The Missionary Order of St. Augustine (Ordo Missionalis Sancti Augustini: OMSA) is an orthodox Anglican missionary outreach formed in Tokyo, one of the largest unchurched cities in the world.
OMSA is a missionary order constituted under the Anglican Diocese of the Living Word (ADLW), a Diocese of the Anglican Church in North America. It is not affiliated with the Anglican Church in Japan (NSKK).
OMSA at present is not a church plant per se, but rather a space for brothers and sisters with a shared love of the Lord Jesus Christ—clergy, missionaries, and lay people—to gather to be renewed and nourished by Word and Sacrament and to encourage one another, and also a space to invite others to experience the warmth of genuine Christian fellowship, come into contact with the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3), and worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness in a way that is faithful to the Anglican tradition.
The Order seeks to be a beachhead for mission and ministry in Japan, where 99% of the population does not yet know the love of God in Jesus Christ or the joy of salvation that Christ alone offers. The Lord in recent years has put a burden on the hearts of countless people around the world to pray for Japan. OMSA hopes to be a community that serves a focal point for the desire of so many, both those who are able to come and work here in a variety of contexts and those who are in prayer for the nation from afar, to see the light of the gospel spread in this land.
This missionary outreach starts out without material resources or a property of its own. A fellow church in Tokyo has graciously offered the use of its space. But the Order starts out with the most important resource possible: the “pearl of great value” (Matthew 13:46) that is the Good News of Jesus Christ. “Church House Tokyo” is the name of the virtual headquarters of OMSA.
Please consider supporting the Missionary Order of St. Augustine through prayer and financially. I look forward to being in touch with anyone who is interested in helping this work.
This is good news that has largely gone unnoticed! I would encourage you to set up a dedicated website rather than a substack sooner rather than later. You could even go with a free template on WordPress.org in the short term until the funding is in place for a domain etc.